
No-nonsense, simple, and cost effective precision agriculture solutions


The AT2 autosteer system is capable of guidance on WAAS, RTX* and RTK, out of the box. No unlocks. No fuss.


The system is comprised of only a steering wheel motor, the control screen, and a smart receiver on the roof, with one harness connecting them all. The receiver is capable of terrain compensation without a pesky box sitting in the cab.


Quick to install. Quick to learn. Easy to understand. Quick to setup, and responsive during use. The AT2 is a simple, intuitive solution for automatic steering.


Straight A-B; Adaptive Curve; Pivot; or A+ guidance lines are all possible with the AT2 system. 

In addition, the system comes with advanced and intelligent headland options - Automatic turns, and automated path planning - are all part of the included software.

Wireless Camera

The systems are capable of connecting to and viewing up to two wireless cameras - no additional software or hardware necessary.


Instead of touching the monitor, this handy wireless remote that you can place anywhere lets you engage autosteer, create a new line, switch through existing lines, and nudge with tactile buttons.

RTK Base

If absolute precision is what you're after, the AT2 Base station gives you 1" accuracy at all times, and is not reliant on cellular or satellite signals to provide that precision. 

Have more questions?

Talk to our experienced professionals, and let's go over your options, questions, and provide you with whatever you need to make an informed decision.

Ready to Purchase? 

 Head to our online shop, now to place your order!